Monday, August 24, 2020

Business Ethic

MGT3201/3231: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND GRADING STRUCTURE Individual Case Study (20%) This appraisal standards and reviewing structure is utilized as the: 1. general rules for stamping composed coursework, and 2. criticism to the understudies for future improvement. |Content |Analysis |Evidence of Reflection |Achievement of Learning | |Outcomes | |20 |Excellent nature of |Extremely through analysis|Describes and assesses all |Full union of the | |content; wide range |of material given; high |events from different |module through the | |of alternatives considered, |level of mindfulness |perspectives; moves |achievement learning | |imaginative and imaginative |and desires; |concepts past that |outcomes and full | |17 |approach. Superb range |convincing and clear |particular setting; |understanding of the | |of proper assets |justification of decisions |recognizing and legitimizing |process. | |used. |made. |the effect of a particular | |situation on learning. | |16. |Very great quality c ontent,|Very through investigation; |Describes advertisement assesses some |Some assessment of the | |wide scope of choices |very great degree of |events from various |Learning Outcomes. | |considered, through |self-mindfulness and |perspectives; moves some | |approach. Excellent use of|aspirations; through |concepts; can perceive | |14 |resources accessible. |justification of decisions |impact of explicit situations| | |made. |on learning. | |13. 9 |Good quality substance, |Good investigation; great level |Describes and assesses |Evidence of use of| | sensible scope of |of mindfulness; some |events yet remains in one |the learning results. | |options considered. Great |justification of decisions |domain. | |use of assets. |made. | |10 | |9. 9 |Satisfactory content with |Some investigation; some levels|Uses commonsense and simplistic|Evidence of comprehension | |few alternatives considered. |of mindfulness, little |statements to depict |the Learning Outcomes. | |May be less through |justification.Limited |events; some feeling of cause | |approach. Some proof of|explanation of decisions |and impact; some feeling of | |6 |use of assets. |made. |transfer. | |5. 9 |Meager nature of content,|Adequate examination; little |Descries individual experience |Acknowledgement of the | |only a couple of choices |level of mindfulness; |only; little feeling of cause |Learning Outcomes. | |considered. Basic, |limited legitimization; |and impact; little feeling of | |limited approach.Poor use|poor clarification of |transfer. | |3 |of assets. |choices made. | |2. 9 |Very low quality of |No proof of investigation. |Describes individual experience|Few Learning Outcomes | |content, no detail. No | |in a shortsighted way in particular. |achieved. | |evidence’s of utilization of | |0 |resources. | ? 1500 word Report (barring reference sections) Content, significance to the point title, genuineness of material gave and so on ? Writing Review (Resources) ? Accentuation on Refere ncing (Harvard Referencing System) ? The Assignment ought to be of an examination, evaluative, contentious, amalgamation of good legitimizations, thinking , compact and clear and magnificent scope of suitable assets utilized as opposed to absolutely enlightening and ought to incorporate various addendums, containing Supporting proof for discoveries, investigation, ends and Recommendations Assessment Class:MGT3201/MGT3231 Business Ethics Case Study: Group Members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1) Define the Issue __________________________________________________________________ ) Analysis/Arguments __________________________________________________________________ 3) Evidence of reflection/Justification __________________________________________________________________ 4) Moral Reasoning/Achievement of Learning Outcome __________________________________________________________________ 5) Resources __________________________________________________________________ Total Score:_____/100 imprints F inal Percentage:_____/20% Guidelines for the Individual Report (20%) In request to encourage handling of the Academic standard of report, if it's not too much trouble follow the general rules for the organization and arrangement of the individual report. Must have the accompanying arranging: | |Spacing †twofold line sections | |Font †Tahoma 10 or 11 point or Times New Roman 12 point | |Bolds †accentuation of passage titles or headings | |Margins set at 1† (top, base, left and right sides) | |Justification †left | |Page numbering: starting on first page of report (not spread page) | |Headers or footers: name of understudy and ID, program of study, scholarly meeting | |Spelling and sentence structure checked | |Programs †Microsoft Word or Excel in the event that you have tables is liked. |

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